Written on 09/16/2024

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Welcome to Episode 166 of the Salsa Kings LIVE podcast

We have been featured as #1 in “Top 10 Salsa Podcasts” on FeedSpot.

Hi everyone, it’s Andres from Salsa Kings Live, episode 166, “Why Are You Avoiding Me?” 

Today, Pablo and I are talking about something important for dancers: connecting with both the music and your partner. 

Sometimes, we get so caught up in the music that we forget about our dance partner. 

Let’s get started!

Key Points

Pablo begins by telling us about a salsa party he went to recently. He noticed that while he was really in tune with the music, he wasn’t paying as much attention to his dance partners. Pablo felt that he was using his strong connection to the music as a way to avoid connecting with his partner. He didn’t do it on purpose—it just happened.

I asked Pablo if he realized this while he was dancing. Pablo said yes, he noticed that he was so focused on the music that he didn’t have enough energy left to connect with his partner. He explained that connecting with another person during a dance can be harder than connecting with the music.

Pablo also said that because he wasn’t paying close attention to his partners, all his dances started to feel the same. He wasn’t noticing the little things that made each partner unique. This made him think that he needed to focus more on his partner and not just the music.

We both agreed that dancing is about finding a balance between the music and your partner. While it’s fun to get lost in the music, the dance is more meaningful when you also connect with your partner. When both people are fully engaged, the dance feels complete.

Pablo also talked about being afraid of being judged during the dance. He realized that this fear was making him avoid deeper connections with his partner. Instead of facing that fear, he focused more on the music, where he felt safer.

We also discussed how dancing with beginners can sometimes be even more fun than dancing with experienced dancers. Beginners often focus more on the connection because they’re not worried about complicated moves. This forces both people to pay more attention to each other, which makes the dance feel special. Pablo agreed, saying that simpler dances can feel more meaningful than those with advanced dancers.

Closing Thoughts

Dancing isn’t just about knowing the moves or feeling the music, it’s also about connecting with the person you’re dancing with. If you only pay attention to the music, you miss out on the special connection with your partner. And if you focus only on your partner and forget about the music, the dance can lose its rhythm.

The best dances happen when both the music and partner connection come together. Whether you’re dancing with a beginner or an advanced dancer, it’s important to be open to both. When both people are paying attention to each other and the music, the dance becomes more fun and enjoyable.

Thanks for tuning in! If this topic got you thinking, let us know. We’d love to hear your thoughts or continue this conversation in a future episode. See you next time!

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[Speaker 1]

Thank you David, appreciate you bro. Welcome familia to Salsa Kings live episode 166, why you avoiding me, Mr. Rico Rico in the house. What’s up?

We guys, we’re excited about Miami Salsa Cruise, come join us February 23rd to March 2nd next year during spring break for those of you that are in the Miami area, eight days, seven nights, live salsa music every single night aboard the new carnival celebration, we’re going to Dominican Republic, we’re going to Puerto Rico, we’re going to St. Thomas, always fun, always, always fun. We actually just came across literally as of maybe 30 minutes ago, the footage we’ve been reviewing old footage and we’re back from 2023 and it was an absolute blast and so we’re if you are coming on the cruise with us, we’re super excited that you’ll be joining us either for the first time or a repeat but we’re excited, feel free to shoot us an email, andresorpabloatsalsakings.com and we can go ahead and get you details about that.

Your favorite Latin dance getaway, subscribe to our YouTube channel if you haven’t already, live salsa classes every single day, you already know, 166, why you avoiding me, so we actually got a lot of feedback from all of you again, thank you so much for the, that you enjoyed the format of our last Puerto Rico recap, if you haven’t, check out episode 164, that was a lot of fun, long story short is that we’re going in a, where I’m not, I don’t know the topic in particular, I do know the topic, Pablo does, so he’s introducing it to me and we’re going back and forth on these organic topics here brother, so tell me what this means, what happened, what scenario are people going to be able to take out and basically experience with you, without necessarily having to go through it the way that we did, and if you have gone through it, you’ll send us an email, tell us about your experience

[Speaker 2]

the same way, would love to talk about it, for sure, it was so much fun, so basically what happened was that we actually as a group went to Intercontinental, the party that’s hosted by Salsa Lovers, this was this past weekend, it was this past Friday, and basically I noticed that this couple past months I’ve been having really good musicality and I’m really sharp and I’m feeling the music very well, that you’ve been dancing, the way that you’ve been dancing recently you were talking about, yes, and I’ve just been very sharp with the music and people have been telling me a little bit, oh my God, but apart from

[Speaker 1]

that, I’m losing Pablo, he’s already, because people have been telling me I’m so awesome,

[Speaker 2]

I’m so awesome, yeah, but, oh my God, you’re good, so basically I feel like I’m connecting with the music very well, but I’m almost using it as an excuse or as a way to avoid connecting with my partner or paying attention to my partner, usually it’s a she, I’m avoiding

[Speaker 1]

it by connecting with the music, that was heavy, say that again a little slower, I’m

[Speaker 2]

avoiding connecting with my partner by using the music as like an excuse, as like a pass or like a distraction almost.

[Speaker 1]

So you, is this on purpose, are you, like you’re not, like you’re not wanting to connect with the music?

[Speaker 2]

It’s not conscious, it’s subconscious, but I’ve noticed, I’ve become aware of it because I pay attention to it.

[Speaker 1]

Oh, okay, so you’re saying, okay, so then what you’re saying is, you’re training, if you would, because we talked so much about the music, that you feel that the needle is perhaps going too far maybe to the music and you’re noticing that you’re not really connecting to your partner enough now, is that, is that like the pendulum type?

[Speaker 2]

I feel like it, yeah, it’s that way, but, I mean, personally for me, I feel like the hardest connection in the Trinity would be from you to your partner, because people to people is much more complicated than you from the music.

[Speaker 1]

Yes, yes.

[Speaker 2]

So I feel like I’m subconsciously connecting to the music as much as possible and that connection is strongest ever, but I’m using that almost as a distraction or like saying, oh, like subconsciously, I’m not doing this consciously, but I’m almost connecting so much to the music that I’m not, I don’t have enough bandwidth to connect to my partner. And I think I do it almost subconsciously as a way to avoid connecting with my partner.

[Speaker 1]

Okay, question, when you say you don’t have bandwidth to connect to your partner, are you saying, is it more tangible or intangible? Are you talking about in the physical space, like you’re, like you maybe even like you found yourself that it’s been close that you’ve been like maybe injuring her type of deal or you’re talking about more like, like you’re not really looking at her, you’re not really seeing maybe what she wants to do or like or see what she’s liking.

[Speaker 2]

So I can, I can sense what she wants to do, I can, of course, I keep her safe, nobody has fallen, nobody has gotten hurt, but it’s more in the sense of I could dance with five different women and even though I could tell exactly what every one of them, not exactly, but I could, I pay attention to what they want, what they like, they don’t like, not as much as before, but I can, but it’s more like every single dance feels like exactly the same follow.

It doesn’t feel like anybody’s any different. Okay. So what I’m saying is that I think it’s me not paying enough attention to the details and also, why are you clapping?

This is good.

[Speaker 1]

This is good. This is great.

[Speaker 2]

Yes. So this is great and I’ll see you. Perfect.

So yeah, so I think it’s me not paying enough attention to the difference, but it’s also, oh yeah, it’s also fear of being judged because when you’re connecting with someone else, especially a woman, when you’re connecting men to woman, it’s, it’s much more, yes, it’s much more complicated, especially if you have, if you don’t have the 10 years of experience in life and the dating scene or kind of in relationships, you’re brand new to all of that.

It’s a little bit harder. I don’t know.

[Speaker 1]

Yeah. Yeah.

[Speaker 2]


[Speaker 1]

Okay. So, okay. So it’s almost like, kind of like before, because you had to focus on the partner so much, we weren’t paying attention to the music.

Now that you found the music, now it’s almost like you can enjoy the dance, but without, but, but you’re like, you’re able to, because of the fear of judgment at the end of the day in natural man, woman relationships, if you would, that you’re just nervous for whatever reason, even if there’s no attraction per se, at the end of the day, it’s still, you humans care what other people think that you’re able to kind of like have peace by connected to the music.

And it was like, Oh, like I’m just connected with the music. It’s not even so much about your partner versus, okay. I was once told, Oh my God.

I was once told, or I was much better said. I was once questioned. Question.

Am I using my partner as a tool? And that made me think like, basically reflect on what we’re talking about. It just, this is exactly it.

Like, yes, 100% again, from in the physical realm in this plane, if you’re looking at a couple dancing, they don’t have to necessarily be looking at each other in the eyes. They don’t even have to, they don’t have to do anything complicated. They can keep it simple.

There’s a bunch of million things, but there’s so much. There’s no end to how deep you can connect to somebody. And I think that you feel that like if you had a really good dance with somebody, it’s because you’re connecting with them very well, along with the music, et cetera.

Right. And there’s just less connected dances as well. The outside people looking in, perhaps those that are less experienced would say, Oh, that was still amazing.

What are you talking about Bob? Even though in your experience it might’ve been, Oh, that was one of my worst social dances I ever had.

[Speaker 2]


[Speaker 1]

You know? So do you have anything to add to that before I, cause I have, I have, I know exactly what you’re saying.

[Speaker 2]

So now you kind of brought something up that’s interesting because I was thinking, Oh, I’m not connecting to my partner as a way to avoid my problems. Cause for me personally, my most problematic connection is me to my partner and my partner to me.

[Speaker 1]


[Speaker 2]

I’ve always been able to connect with the music pretty much. Obviously if it’s improved, but it’s been something that I feel like I’m okay at. And, but now once you said that I’m, I’m thinking more in the terms of, it’s not really a problem.

It’s just that, como tu dijiste, como se decía esto? Yeah, it’s more like a, like a, I’m connected with the music so much that, like, como que no hay espacio para la pareja. I don’t know exactly what you meant, pero if you want to elaborate on that, go for it.

[Speaker 1]

If you were saying, what I was saying was that you were leaning more towards the music because it was giving you a sense of peace, that there was no judgment. Okay. So yes.

[Speaker 2]

So basically that the music has more play, like, like, um, each song is different. Each song has different hits. Each song is a problem to solve.

A song is something that you got to figure out. But with a partner, sometimes what I feel personally is that, uh, figuring your partner out is not as rewarding most of the time. But when it is, it is very rewarding.

But there’s far and few in between.

[Speaker 1]

Pablo, have you ever seen the movie The Sound of Music? No. Okay.

And the first, it’s a, it’s a musical. Okay. And it’s very old.

Very old. Not very old, but it’s old. It’s old.

I think 1940s or something, 1950s. Oh my God. And one of the first songs in there is the main character is Maria.

And Maria is a nun. Maria. She’s a nun.

She’s a nun. Yes. And, and all of the nuns that are kind of like taking care of her, you know, they start off singing a song.

She’s like a troublemaker. She’s always late to everything. And she’s a good girl.

You can tell she’s a good girl.

[Speaker 2]

Good heart.

[Speaker 1]

Right. But she’s always like getting herself into trouble. Yeah.

And they start off singing a song. They go, how do you solve a problem like Maria? Oh.

And they, and they basically, the overall movie, it’s setting up the stage for like these, like people don’t understand her. Like she ends up becoming something absolutely beautiful that they, she ends up becoming a huge role, mother figure for a family in, in, in during World War II. And like she, she later on, she was just in the wrong place.


[Speaker 2]

Wrong place, wrong time.

[Speaker 1]

Correct. So, so, so the, so the movie kind of, again, started off this kicked off with, you know, Oh, Maria is a problem. Right.

Right. What I’m trying to tell you is that, that there is no, there is no problem when you were talking about, Oh, the music is challenged. The music is something that you battle.

You’re going straight on.

[Speaker 2]

Not as a battle. It’s more like a, like a puzzle, like a.

[Speaker 1]

Right. Okay. But that’s what exactly my point.

So the reason why, and this is normal, this is extremely natural. The second that we begin, if you said it’s more difficult to obviously connect with another human being at the end of the day, we’re infinitely dynamic. So yes, the song is a little bit more one dimensional.

Sure. When you, when it talks, when you’re talking with another human being now, now there’s just so much more intricacy there. Um, and that’s where I would definitely challenge for sure.

But what brings the connection to begin with the reason why we talk about the music first is because that’s what brings you together. Then it’s how do you do that together? So it’s almost like I’m going to now, now there’s the inspiration from the song.

Now, do you get inspired by her?

[Speaker 2]

No. My point. So actually something you said, like, I feel like with the music I can connect better because I’m the one who decides how deep the connection goes better with a person.

Right. Huh? Go on.

Better with a person. If they don’t know how to connect at a deeper level, they just didn’t necessarily don’t want to connect at a deeper level.

[Speaker 1]

How do you, have you checked in with them to see if they wanted to connect at a deeper level? Or are you just assuming that you’re the strongest one?

[Speaker 2]

No, I’m not assuming. It’s just that when you start dancing with someone and you start getting deeper connection with the song and, and you try to like, you sense it. Like if they’re dancing and they don’t want to go deeper, you can sense it.

Okay. You know?

[Speaker 1]

Okay. Well, yes. But have you had the experience of the other way around where they have wanted to go deeper or they are able to go deeper?

And I’m not talking about someone who knows more advanced terms. No, just someone who wants to connect deeper. Right.

Okay. So for example, remember that last legal recap that you had that you were taking dancing with your family? Yes.

La Mujere De La Calle.

[Speaker 2]


[Speaker 1]

Okay. How was that depth with the song?

[Speaker 2]

How was that depth with the song? I feel like they connect her a little bit more deeper, a personal level, like person to person without necessarily having to connect deep with the song because they didn’t know they, Oh, you got to appreciate the song or this in the song, that in the song.

[Speaker 1]

Sure. So, okay. That’s what, that’s what I’m saying is that you saw that there was, there was more person to person connection with the people that had a little bit more experience.

[Speaker 2]

They were more invested into the dance basically.

[Speaker 1]

Correct. So what, what ultimately what I’m saying is because we’re training, right? Because again, guys, so I think this is huge.

Um, a lot of our experiences and on the dance floor are very like in the, in a bubble, like we’re, we’re, we’re, we’re only ever dancing with other people that have taken dance classes. Right. I challenge you to, to, to ask someone to dance who has not taken dance classes before.

I have a newsflash for everyone here and you can go ahead and give me all, send me all the emails that you want and how you hate everything that we do and the brand and salsa Kings. If you are unable to successfully dance with someone that has not taken dance classes, I’m sorry. Then we need to listen to the, what is dance episode?

Yes. We need to understand that it has nothing to do with, it has less to do with one, two, three, five, six, seven. And it has everything to do with the sharing of a musical experience through our body with that, with that other individual, um, in whatever format that that is.

[Speaker 2]

I’m, I actually think dancing a lot of the times dancing with people who don’t know how to dance and it’s one of the first time dancing is actually way more enjoyable than dancing with people who’ve been dancing for years.

[Speaker 1]

Boom. And that’s exactly, and that is exactly what I’m talking about. I, I, I, so then I find that to be interesting that you say that, but then you’re running, you’re running into this, this issue maybe or maybe are you being nicer or are you offering more grace to the newbie?

Are you expecting more out of the people who have quote unquote training?

[Speaker 2]

The thing is at this point, it’s exactly what you said. It’s not, it’s not about the moves. I could, I, I arguably think that is, is I prefer dancing with simpler moves because when you start doing Montaña’s complicate, there’s a bunch of a lot of this and stuff like that.

There’s no, it’s very hard for me to connect. And I say probably like I, I have a hard time connecting like that. So when you’re dancing with a newbie is, um, the dance is more enjoyable.

One, because your partner, like, I feel like they value the dance more because there’s not as many of them. And, um, and two, you’re not doing anything complicated. It’s just that the dance is based solely off connection and her paying attention to you and you paying attention to her.

Because if that’s not there, there’s no way you’re going to dance with someone who’s never danced before.

[Speaker 1]

Right. So what I’m saying, you’re absolutely correct. You’re getting that right in the head.

So the way that you approach that with that kind of like that openness, I challenge you to do the same thing with those that are quote unquote trained as well. Basically like, cause, because what they’re expecting is what they always get, which it’s okay, let’s dance salsa together.

[Speaker 2]


[Speaker 1]

Like the pause, the two step, the, the conversation, the reminder that we are humans or that you’re human. Right. And, and to get that, that connection almost even the pre salsa, if you would, yes, the salsa is bringing you together, but then there’s the actual connection itself between, between the couple.

That using salsa as the medium, if that makes sense. I invite you also to, because, because we focus so much on musicality, sometimes we rush so fast into getting into the song that we can sometimes leave our partner behind. And then that’s why you feel that they’re not connecting as deep with the song with you, but no, you just went too fast.

So the leading is not only in the physical realm, but in the intangible as well.

[Speaker 2]

I actually, I actually just have another thought. That’s kind of like what you’re explaining. I have another view because what happened is that, uh, in the same night I started testing a hypothesis because I noticed something was not working and I started testing out stuff.

Okay. So I had a dance with, uh, uh, with one of the girls who was at our table and our group and I pulled her out to dance and, um, and I had already pulled her out to dance before and I danced like always. And I noticed that although the dance was okay, it wasn’t good, you know?

And what I noticed was that I pulled her out to dance a second time and I actually have it here in my notes. Let me, let me quote of it. Okay.

I decided to do what I, I decided what I wanted to do with the music regardless of, of, of my partner. Because what I noticed, and this is sounds, this sounds very wrong, but here’s my, uh, rationality. My rationale is that she, she, uh, she was just along for the ride.

She didn’t want to, she didn’t want to do anything. Basically. You know what I mean?

She was just there. So as soon as I decided, okay, this is how I interpret the music. I’m going to, I’m going to dance it like this.

And if you like it good, if you don’t like it, you’re not going to get hurt. They’re not going to like it that much, but it’s okay. Like I’m not doing anything crazy.

And I noticed that immediately she had a smile on her face and I actually enjoyed the dance a lot more, but it felt very vulnerable for some reason.

[Speaker 1]

You felt vulnerable.

[Speaker 2]


[Speaker 1]

Taking the lead. Because here’s the thing. Remember, you’re not leading just physically.

You’re leading energetically as well. What she allowed you to do in that scenario was to not only drive physically, but drive energetically as well.

[Speaker 2]


[Speaker 1]

I personally believe, and this is Andres’ personal, that that’s the woman’s job. That’s the woman’s position. The woman should be the one setting the tone.

You do the work. You create the stage. But she was more so letting you not just drive physically, but she was almost saying like…

[Speaker 2]

You set the tone too.

[Speaker 1]

Use me, if you would, or dare I say that, right? And not in any disrespectful way, but it was more like, okay, I don’t want to do anything. Whereas what I found to be a more spiritual experience, if you could say, a more enjoyable social dance is when both parties are contributing something.

They’re both bringing something to the relationship. They’re both bringing something to the table.

[Speaker 2]

Oh, 100%. Not to generalize or anything, but what I was saying far in between is that when you go in with the mentality of both people should be bringing something to the table, it’s absolutely correct. I’ve experienced that, and it’s the most enjoyable dances.

But most people that dance, or a lot of them, a high percentage of them, don’t bring something to the table. And of course, I have my perspective mostly as a lead, so I’m a little bit biased. But yeah, most of the time, I experimented with that.

I juiced my lady for a first time in forever. I don’t do that often because you’ve taught me not to do that. But I did it, and she enjoyed it more, and I enjoyed it more.

And it wasn’t juicing her for the moves. It was juicing her for my own expression of the music.

[Speaker 1]

Correct. She doesn’t want 50-50. Right.

She wants everything. So here’s the question.

[Speaker 2]


[Speaker 1]

Were you able to download during that song, or was that an upload? No, it was a download. That was a download?

[Speaker 2]

Yes, because I was doing what I wanted. I wasn’t taking into account what she wanted because I did that the whole past song.

[Speaker 1]

Well, yeah, she wasn’t offering any suggestions.

[Speaker 2]

I wasn’t getting any data from it.

[Speaker 1]

Sure, sure, sure. Okay.

[Speaker 2]

So I just unplugged the cable from that server, and I plugged it into mine, and I had double the bandwidth.

[Speaker 1]

Sure, sure, sure. I’m with you. Okay.

And then you said that you were able to download.

[Speaker 2]

Yeah, I enjoyed that song more. And I felt like I could have gone even more deeper into that perspective, but I kept it not that deep.

[Speaker 1]

Okay. What do you mean?

[Speaker 2]

Although I was doing what I wanted, I was being very careful about it. I wasn’t going full force, doing what I wanted. But I still paid attention to her, but I was doing what I wanted.

[Speaker 1]

So dare I say it, Pablón, that you are so powerful that you are able to download and still have a social dance with someone who’s not even contributing to the relationship. You can put 100% of the relationship on your back. I said, Pablón, that’s what I have.

[Speaker 2]

That’s what I have. Oh, and at the end. Okay.

[Speaker 1]

So guys, so check this out.

[Speaker 2]


[Speaker 1]

Okay. That is awesome. Let me make that clear.

That for both parties, for both the lead and a follow, to be able to experience that, that’s amazing. What I, however, will always suggest is as amazing as that was, that you were able to go instead of one single bandwidth, that you were able to go double bandwidth. I actually challenge that idea and say that you would be able to get 16 bandwidth if you and her were able to come together and contribute and create something where that you couldn’t have done so alone.

What happened in that scenario, which although I’m sure it was very, very fun because at the end of the day you were able to express yourself to the most that you could.

[Speaker 2]

Yeah, I wasn’t asking her to make her smile. I was asking to enjoy.

[Speaker 1]

Right. For sure. So what I’m saying is that as amazing as that is, if you’re able to have another soul, another spirit, another mind, another body who’s contributing energetically to that, it then blossoms and becomes something that it couldn’t, whether it be you by yourself or whether it be her by herself.

[Speaker 2]

Oh, I agree with that.

[Speaker 1]

So check this out. Let’s flip it. Let’s say you were just a masculine body, okay?

Because that’s what she was doing. She was being just a feminine body. She was being a follower, dare I say it, corpse.

She was being a blank. She was being a blank. Correct.

So, and again, that could be very relaxing. That’s like getting in a lazy river and chilling. Like, that’s cool.

[Speaker 2]


[Speaker 1]

Now, imagine the other way around where you were in a dance where she was able to literally dance all around you and use your physical body to represent anything that she wanted.

[Speaker 2]

Well, that would be back leading.

[Speaker 1]

Sure. That’s fine. I’m just saying, like, pretend like she’s leading, but from the follower position.

Let’s just hypothetically say that that was possible.

[Speaker 2]

Right? That would be very relaxing because I don’t have to think. I don’t have to do anything.

[Speaker 1]

Correct. Correct. But do you feel that there would be lost resources?

[Speaker 2]

Yes, because that’s selfish. You’re not contributing anything. Got it.

Andres has a huge mark on his face right now.

[Speaker 1]

But does that make sense? Yeah. So, not to call out your partner.

Yeah. Right? But with that said, if you, hey, look, sweetheart, let me take care of you.

I got this. This song, I’m going to do everything. Right.

Right? That’s cool. But I’m always going to be promoting the optimum experience.

Right? Where, at the end of the day, work is going to be involved. If we want to have the best thing, work is going to somehow be involved.

Even if that work is in the most pleasurable way possible. Right? I am going to work as a man to do what I do best, my man things.

I’m a lady and I’m going to work and be my best at being a lady or being myself. Whatever that is. Does that make sense?

Is that at the end of the day, if you’re going to create the best thing, you got to do it 100%. And if you’re doing it 100%, that’s going to take some energy.

[Speaker 2]

You know what I’ve actually found? That the work that you said right now is that the less work you put in, the more work the other person is going to put in. So if you’re putting in 100%, they’re going to put zero.

[Speaker 1]

Correct. So imagine, what I would say is that we actually, we’re already, estamos corriendo. This is getting a longer episode.

I appreciate you guys hanging, sticking with us. To connect on that two-step and match that frequency and invite her to continue to contribute and realize and have this kind of like, okay, here’s one. Now what do you got?

Or ladies, I challenge you, vice versa.

[Speaker 2]

Instead of one.

[Speaker 1]

And you just keep going, going, going. No, because at the end of the day, the relationship needs to make sense. It needs to be equal.

It needs to be equal. If you want to create the optimum experience, because guess what? You can have a very enjoyable level three dance out of ten.

Very enjoyable. But you don’t need to be gassed out for someone who’s not going to be doing anything. You see what I’m saying?

Right. So it’s what I’ve actually found, and we’ll actually conclude with this. I’ve left dances like I pretty much didn’t do anything because my follow didn’t do anything.

And they did not have a good time. I saw it in their face. Like they were expecting me to.

[Speaker 2]

To give a hundred.

[Speaker 1]

To do something. And then do ten. No, this is a dance.

I asked you, you, who are you? I asked you to dance. I want to dance with you.

I don’t want to use your body. That’s my perspective. That’s Fernandez’s perspective.

In my experience, I found that the ladies that are contributing to the relationship are able to provide a much heightened, more heightened experience than I could ever do on my own. Ever. Ever.

And ladies, dare I say it, you will also have a more optimum experience when you find you’re a lead who is willing to listen and respect your wishes. And you ask for something, and he gives it to you, and he notices you, and he’s looking at you. And not in a creepy way.

No, in a human to human kind of let’s have fun at a salsa party way. So, damn. Good one, Pablo.

I love it, bro. That’s good stuff, man. Okay.

Oh, yeah. I hope this makes sense, guys. Again, write us if you want to hear about this again, or we can make a part two of this.

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